Employer Resources
AultCare Wellness

The AultCare Wellness Program

An overview of wellness services provided to employer groups.

A Wellness Program at work directly affects employee job satisfaction and retention. Because of this, employers use Wellness Programs as competitive benefit offerings to attract and retain talent.


What is Wellness?

AultWell is a comprehensive program created to provide your employees with improved health through coaching, goal-setting, education, encouragement and support. These services can help your employees identify, understand and decrease their health risks.

Over the last five years, an average of 95.2% of Wellness clients renew year after year.

How Does Wellness Affect My Workforce?

According to research by Optum, employees with access to health and wellness programs through their employers, as compared to employees with no access to programs, are:

  • 1.5X more likely to continue working for their employer.
  • 3.3X more likely to be proud to work for their employer.


Serxner, S. Kichlu, R., Ratelis, E. (2018). Boost Employee Net Promoter Score® with health and well-being programs [White paper]. Retrieved November 29, 2022 from Optum: https://www.optum.com/content/dam/optum3/optum/en/ resources/white-papers/optum-enps_wf715193-white-paper.pdf

How Does Wellness Improve My Health?

Members with Wellness are more likely to engage in preventive screenings that detect dangerous and costly health conditions early – when they are most treatable. Compared to members without Wellness, those with Wellness experienced:

graphic with circles explaining improvement percentages for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings

Importance of Health Screenings

The cost of treatment for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer are high. Not only do screenings detect these illnesses early, but they can save thousands of dollars.

cancer chart with arrows to explain costs for breast, cervical anc colorectal cancer

Wellness Cost Savings

Based on research using current full complement Wellness Program clients versus non-full complement Wellness Program clients, AultCare found:

  • 5.54% reduction in per employee per month (PEPM) spending amongst Wellness clients. A total savings of $69.97 PEPM over the last 4 years for Wellness clients.
  • Employees with wellness see a 10% higher engagement with Primary Care Physicians (PCP visits) and preventive screenings.

bar chart of AultCare Wellness programs and chart of measures  

Grant Opportunity

Are you interested in a grant? Ask your Aultman Health Foundation Wellness Representative for more information on possible funding assistance through the Bureau of Workers' Compensation.